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Hot Fried Samosa


Samosa or ‘singara’ as we Bengalis call it, is almost a national savoury item throughout India.  You can find hot samosas in every corner of the country.

It’s a fried savoury pastry which can be stuffed with your favourite vegetables. Though the calorie content is a little more but hey, it’s yummy and sometimes you can indulge.  

So let’s get started.

All that you need

For the pastry
All-purpose flour (Maida) - 1 cup
Vegetable oil – 1 tsp
Ajwain (carom seeds) – 1 tsp
Salt – to taste
Water for kneading the dough

For the Stuffing
Potatoes – 4 boiled, peeled & mashed
Peas – ½ cup boiled
Green chillies – 2 finely chopped
Salt – to taste
Turmeric powder – ¼ tspn
Red chili powder - ¼ tspn
Coriander leaves - 1 tblspn finely chopped
Dry mango Powder (amchur powder) – ½ tspn

For frying
Vegetable oil – for deep frying
                  Let’s get started 

            And you are good to go!

                 This recipe was shared bu my cook Ajju who also taught me the tricks of folding a samosa.      So thanks Ajju :)

                 Little Suggestion
                 You can make stuffings of your choice, try stuffing with other vegetables or even ground     meat! Enjoy the hot samosa with a charred tomato & garlic sauce or just simple ketchup.

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